Full Time Writer/Writing Assistant

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The job lead below are not researched, so please look into them and get more details before applying.

Writing assistant


Seeking an entry level writing or writer assistant to assist in editing copy, writing copy, proofreading, and formatting text and some images in MicroSoft Word and PowerPoint. Content is enterprise-class business writing, such as informational whitepapers, marketing copy (for brochures and websites), and presentations. Themes focus on business trends such as business analytics, customer relationship management, supply chain management, risk management, financial management, and industry trends for the management consulting and technology industry.

We are looking for a smart and eager individual interested in writing, marketing, or management consulting. Candidate should be able to write competent copy, have a good grasp of grammar and style, and be able to structure sentences and paragraphs. Applicant doesn't need to know business concepts coming in but would be expected to learn complex business themes and embrace the content. Decent computer skills in MicroSoft office are needed. Good keyboard skills are vital, although typing speed doesn't need to be work-processor-level. Some graphics skills is desirable, but not necessary.

Entry level and new grads are encouraged to apply.

Click here to find out how to apply for the position.

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